Call for Papers, APA 2015

Virgil, Elegy, and Epigram
Sponsored by the Vergilian Society
Richard Thomas, Organizer

The Vergilian Society would like to sponsor a panel devoted to papers exploring any aspect of this topic. Proposals may focus on generic and other continuities and discontinuities between Virgil’s works and the early Greek elegists; connections with Hellenistic and Catullan epigram; Virgilian aetiology and Callimachean elegiacs; intertextual engagement with and by the Roman elegists from Gallus to Ovid.
Abstracts of 500 to 800 words, suitable for a 15-20 minute presentation, should be sent to by email to Richard Thomas Prof. Thomas can also be contacted at the Department of the Classics, Harvard University, 206 Boylston Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138; tel. 617 496-6061. Since all abstracts will be judged anonymously, please do not identify yourself in any way on the abstract page. All proposals must be received by March 10, 2014 and should be sent to Prof. Thomas electronically as email attachments.