Vergilius Author Guidelines

Vergilius (ISSN 0506-7294) is for all those who are interested in Vergilian studies. The editor welcomes scholarly submissions on all aspects of Vergil without restrictions (see Annual Bibliography for range of topics), as well as poetry and translation inspired by Vergil’s work. Submissions on Vergilian pedagogy and responses to pieces published in Vergilius will also be considered. Prospective contributors should submit manuscripts to Manuscripts are to be written in English. Simultaneous submissions are not accepted.
The preferred method of submission is an MS Word attachment with accompanying PDF file in an email to the editor. Suggested maximum length for manuscripts is 10,000 words. All fonts used should be included. A complete submission will include the manuscript with title and a cover letter including author name as it should appear in print, institutional affiliation, and contact email. Figures to be included should be grayscale at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and submitted as separate image files with the manuscript. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for images used.
In matters of style, Vergilius follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition in most respects. In a break with past practice, Vergilius is adopting the author-date system of references as set forth in CMS §16th edition, §§15.5–55. Abbreviations for classical authors and titles follow the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Greek text must be typed in a Unicode font.
Each author will receive a pdf offprint of his or her article; no print offprints or print copy of the full issue will be provided. The responsibility for the views expressed rests with the individual author(s).
Sample reference list entries:
Reed, Joseph D. 2007. Virgil’s Gaze: Nation and Poetry in the Aeneid. Princeton.
Multiple editors, titled volume in a multi-volume set:
Beard, Mary, John North, and Simon Price, eds. 1998. Religions of Rome, Vol. 1: A History. Cambridge.
Volume in a series:
Brenk, Beat. 2010. The Apse, the Images and the Icon: An Historical Perspective of the Apse as a Space for Images. Spätantike, frühes Christentum, Byzanz. Reihe B: Studien und Perspektiven 26. Weisbaden.
Journal article:
Lowe, Dunstan. 2012. “Sabazius in the Aeneid (7.341–60).” Vergilius 58: 81–91.
Article/chapter in an edited volume:
Schrijvers, Piet H. 2009. “In Praise of Messalla: Hellenistic Geography in Three Panegyric Poems.” In Nature and Science in Hellenistic Poetry, edited by M. Annette Harder, Remco F. Regtuit and G. C. Wakker, 149–76. Hellenistica Groningana 15. Leuven.
Sample in-text citations for the above references:
(Reed 2007, 23)
(Beard, North, and Price 1998, 1:433)
(Brenk 2010)
(Lowe 2012, 83; Schrijvers 2009, 162)
Kind Words from Students
The guidance of Leon Herman has shown us the method of guiding students into and around the past. His technique of tempting the student with imagination through the use of ancient sources is impressive and a worthwhile skill that I intend to follow, whatever period of study.
Ben Lovett
The villa is a study center where teachers and students can work together. Not only by reading and listening (although that is quite basic and important too …) but also by painting, drama, making frescoes, and having discussions.