
spectacle villa stairs

Annual Membership Renewal

October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025

Your Vergilian Society Membership includes: Vergilius; the opportunity to stay at the Villa Vergiliana as a Visiting Scholar or Vergilian Society Fellow; support for the Villa Vergiliana at Cumae, Italy; priority consideration for Vergilian Society tours; and eligibility for VS scholarships and fellowships. Contributing Members receive a 5% discount and Life Members a 10% discount when staying at the Villa Vergiliana as a Visiting Scholar. (Discounts are for individual members only and are not extendable to include any group brought by the members to the Villa Vergiliana.)

After you complete your online payment please fill out this form so we can keep our records up to date.

If you prefer to pay by check please use this printable form.

Membership Categories

If you wish to pay for your membership or to make a contribution using a credit card, please use the appropriate membership or donation category. A surcharge will be assessed for electronic payment.  Scroll to bottom of page for checkout.

K-12 Student - $10 ($1 surcharge) (all benefits except Vergilius)
Student - $25 ($1 surcharge)
New Member - $35 ($1 surcharge)
Retired - $35 ($1 surcharge)
Regular - $50 ($1 surcharge)
Regular, three year option - $135 ($3 surcharge) (This allows you to sign up as a Regular Member for 3 years at a time)
Regular, requiring overseas mailing (outside U.S.) - $60 ($2 surcharge)
Overseas, three year option - $165 ($4 surcharge)
Supporting - $65 ($2 surcharge)
Supporting, three year option - $180 ($4 surcharge)
Contributing - $125 ($3 surcharge)
Contributing, three year option - $375 ($8 surcharge)
Life - $800 ($16 surcharge)
Life Benefactor* - $1500 ($30 surcharge)
Institutional** - $150 ($3 surcharge)
High School Exchange Student - $50 ($1 surcharge)

* Life Benefactor indicates those who intend to will a portion of their estate to the Vergilian Society and The Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana. Those wishing to upgrade a current Life Membership to Life Benefactor may contact the Secretary.

** An Institutional Membership allows for groups from that institution (space permitting) to use the Villa for groups on overseas trips. Please note that the society also requires that all who stay at the Villa to be at least "New Members."


These contributions aid the society in funding scholarships, upkeep of the Villa, publishing Vergilius, and general operations. Scroll to bottom of page for checkout.

Vergilian Society General Endowment
Villa Library Fund
Scholarship Fund
Keely Lake Translation Contest Fund
Villa Restoration Fund

Cookbook Offer

A surcharge will be assessed for electronic payment. Scroll to bottom of page for checkout.

La Cucina Sgariglia contains recipes used at the Villa Vergiliana, with notes by Angela Lloyd, drawings by Marshal Lloyd, and edited by Susan and Hartley Schearer.

Cookbook - $15 + $1 surcharge

Additional Memberships and Donations

A surcharge will be assessed for electronic payment. Scroll to bottom of page for checkout.

As a convenience to our members, you may obtain the following:

American Classical League Membership - $70 + $2 surcharge
Including Classical Outlook, and ACL Newsletter
The Classical World Membership - $35 + $1 surcharge
Including membership in the Classical Association of the Atlantic States