2024 Tours and workshops

paestum with tree

Greco-Roman Spain: CANCELLED

We regret that this tour will not run for 2024.

June 25 – July 7, 2024. Director: Raymond L. Capra, Queens College, City University of New York

This trip will visit Catalunya, Spain to explore the development and interaction of three distinct cultures, Iberians, Greeks and Romans. Iberia became part of the greater Mediterranean world with the arrival of the first Phoenician traders in the late ninth/ early eighth century BCE. The first Greek traders were there by the middle of the eighth century. In the early sixth century, Greeks founded a small city on the northeastern shore of the peninsula, always called by the name which connotes its mercantile origin, Emporion. In the late third century BCE this city became the entry point for the Roman conquest of the Peninsula at the onset of the second Punic War. This tour will follow the Eastern coast of Spain south-westward from Barcelona to Valencia and Alicante.

Includes hotels, bus travel in Spain, all breakfasts and lunches, two dinner, and all museum and archaeological site entries.

Greco-Roman Spain Itinerary and Payment Options

Contact the Director: Dr. Raymond.Capra

Roman Britain

July 9 – 21, 2024. Director: Beverly Berg, Linfield College, retired

This program studies the towns and fortifications of Roman Britain, and uses the remains of structures and artifacts to recreate the lives of soldiers and townspeople. British archaeologists and curators have done an amazing job of bringing to life the civilization of Roman Britain at sites and in museums. Included in our visits are  two legionary fortresses which were transformed into veteran colonies (Lincoln and Gloucester), York (concurrently a fortress and a colony), two towns which functioned as civitas capitals (Cirencester, St. Albans), and of course the auxiliary forts and support towns along Hadrian’s Wall. We will also have the opportunity to see some of England’s finest cathedrals. We use an active learning model, in which participants work with a museum highlights guide and city and site plans and directions. The program uses pubic transportation and inevitably there is a lot of walking, although participants are welcome to summon taxis on their own pence, when available. Therefore participants are required to pack very lightly, just carry-on, no exceptions tolerated, no matter how strong you think you are.

Please contact the tour director for pricing. Price includes hotels and breakfast, two dinners, entry fees, and ground transportation. It does not include airfare or ground transportation to St. Albans on opening day or from Gloucester on the final day. Please contact the director as soon as you know of your interest. Sign up and payment are handled by the Vergilian Society secretary.

Roman Britain Itinerary and Payment Options

Contact the Director: Beverly Berg.

Read the Director's Report of this wonderful tour.

Cultural Landscapes on the Ancient Bay of Naples: CANCELLED

We regret that this tour will not run in 2024.

July 7 -19, 2024.
Directors: Amy Leonard, Midtown High School, and Steven L. Tuck, Miami University

Join us as we explore the multicultural  makeup of this extraordinary region in southern Italy. We will investigate the cultural contacts and contributions of Greeks, Romans, and Samnites along with Etruscans, Lucanians and others. Sites will be visited, informed by their rich cultural histories. At some we will see a succession of cultures in one landscape while at others we will see the melding of two or more ancient cultures. One of the main features of this program will be on-site readings in Latin and English allowing us to engage with the ancient authors who also wrote about, were inspired by, and in some cases occupied these same areas.

Director Biographies:

Amy Leonard has taught Latin in the Atlanta area since 2004 after receiving her masters degree in Latin from the University of Georgia. She currently teaches at Midtown High School where the Latin program boasts 300+ students. She has won teaching awards from CAMWS and the Georgia Classical Association. She has participated as an AP Latin reader since 2013 and currently serves on the AP Latin Development Committee. She is a consultant for the National Latin Exam and chairs the CAMWS teaching awards committee. In addition to co-directing six Vergilian Society tours for high school teachers, she served as a trustee for the Society from 2011-2014, the Second Vice President from 2017-2020, and currently serves as the secretary for the Society.

Steven L. Tuck is Professor of History and Classics at Miami University. He has directed over 20 study tours and teacher workshops in Italy and Greece. He is the author of A History of Roman Art and many articles and chapters on Roman art. He also publishes on the lives of the sub-elites in the Roman world. Further work, using both sculpture and inscriptions, focuses on spectacle entertainments in the Roman world. He has recorded 5 courses for The Great Courses and received 9 awards for undergraduate teaching including the Archaeological Institute of America Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. He is a former President of the Vergilian Society.

Cost includes all expenses incurred during the program: 12 nights’ accommodation, all meals (not alcohol) except two lunches on Capri, all site and museum admissions, round-trip transport from Rome to Cumae and return, all ground transportation. Not included is airfare, travel expenses before and after the program.

Cultural Landscapes on the Ancient Bay of Naples Itinerary and Payment Options

Contact the Directors: Steven L. Tuck and Amy Leonard

Scribendo Discimus: Learning to write Latin in the footsteps of ancient authors on site in Rome and the Bay of Naples

July 15-26, 2024.

Directors: Emma Vanderpool and Gregory Stringer

This interactive tour of Rome and Naples is designed for those interested in communicative methods of Latin teaching and comprehensible input (CI) based instruction. Morning workshops will provide an overview of major Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories and methodologies, the Teaching and Learning Cycle (TLC) to support teacher and student writing, as well as opportunities to write and adapt texts, design units, lesson plan, and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Participants will be invited to work on shorter student texts or begin work on longer projects with an eye towards creating inclusive lessons and materials. In the afternoons, we will tour sites and museums, where we will demonstrate various teaching techniques and writing activities and guide participants in structured reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice.

Please contact tour directors for price.

Scribendo Discimus Itinerary and Payment Options

Contact the Directors: Emma Vanderpool and Gregory Stringer

Kind Words from Students

Although very excited, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I departed for Campania. However, I had an amazing trip and my time at the Villa Vergiliana will undoubtedly influence my future teaching in a variety of ways. 

Lottie Mortimer

“Tomorrow I will go home, and back at school, I will tell my fellow teachers about the Villa Vergiliana. We will try to work out some plans to involve a study trip in our program of internationaliz-ation at our school. I really hope this will be possible. 

Marian Heesen

“I return to Oxford ready to evangelise about Villa Vergiliana and all it represents, and sincerely hope to return, this time bringing a school party so I can share with my pupils and colleagues what I have experienced. 

Hannah Murray