2024 Scribendo Discimus: Learning to write Latin in the footsteps of ancient authors on site in Rome and the Bay of Naples

July 14 Sun Arrive in Rome
July 15 Mon
  •  MORNING SESSION: Overview of SLA applied to Latin classroom, adapting Classical texts (tiered, Orberg, novellas, etc.), ACTFL Proficiency Benchmarks –
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Circus Maximus / Capitoline Hill
July 16 Tue
  •  MORNING SESSION: Working from textbook texts (writing textbook “fanfic”, continue the story, perspective shifts, etc.)
  •  AFTERNOON SESSION: Ara Pacis / Mausoleum of Augustus / Pantheon / Piazza del Popolo (re-writing/making the stories our own)
July 17 Wed
  •  MORNING SESSION: Story co-construction
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Via Appia / Catacombs (Who were these people, what are their stories? Let’s write them!)
July 18 Thur
  •  MORNING SESSION: Writing longer stories / novellas/ Character/Imagery w/limited vocab
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Forum / Colosseum / Palatine
July 19 Fri
  • MORNING SESSION: World building/Narrative Structure (shorter/longer)/What can make something compelling?
  •  AFTERNOON SESSION: Ostia Antica
July 20 Sat
  • MORNING SESSION: Domus Aurea
July 21 Sun
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Hike Vesuvius
July 22 Mon
  • MORNING SESSION: TLC Writing (Short/Long) with a prompt
July 23 Tue
  •  MORNING SESSION: Modeling feedback/assessment, w/focus on comprehension
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Herculaneum; Scavenger Hunt Writing Activity
July 24 Wed
  • MORNING SESSION: Group writing, peer feedback
  •  AFTERNOON SESSION: Cumae, Vergil Sites
July 25 Thu
  • MORNING SESSION: Villa Poppea//Oplontis / Underground Naples
  • AFTERNOON SESSION: Naples Museum
July 26 Fri
  •  half day, travel back to Rome

Payment Options

  1. Checks made out to the Vergilian Society can be mailed to the secretary (POB address at bottom of page).
  2. Payments can be submitted via Paypal (with additional surcharge) below.
Scribendo Discimus – Deposit: $750 + $15 surcharge
Scribendo Discimus Full Payment (incl. deposit): $3175 + $64 surcharge
Scribendo Discimus Final Payment: $2425 + $49 surcharge
Scribendo Discimus Single Supplement: $250 + $5 surcharge