Call for tour directors, 2016

The Vergilian Society invites applications for the direction of classical summer and winter programs for 2016 and beyond. We are particularly interested in innovative and exploratory programs at different levels, wholly or partially held at the Villa Vergiliana at Cumae. Tours involving Campania are particularly sought after for 2016, as well as those with an emphasis on Etruria, Gaul, Great Britain, or Turkey. But prospective directors are invited to submit applications for programs that encompass any area(s) of the Greco-Roman world. The Chair of the Villa Management Committee will supply prospective directors with details regarding compensation, minimal enrollments, and shared direction. Please contact Steven Tuck, Chair of the Villa Management Committee, if you would like to propose a tour or discuss the possibility.

CHAIR VILLA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (2014-2016): Steven Tuck, Dept. of Classics, Miami University, 105 Irvin Hall, Oxford OH 45056, 513-529-9718