Annual Campaign
Dear Members and Friends of the Vergilian Society,
Let me start with some good news: this is the final fundraising letter you will ever receive from me!
My many years as an officer and member of the Board of Trustees come to an end next month. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere appreciation to all of you for your generous support, allowing us to achieve many of our critical goals in the past ten years. Your support for the Society has been vitally important for the repair and restoration of the Harry Wilks Study Center and has ensured that the facility will remain safe and secure for the coming years.
Safe and secure is not, however, comfortable. It is past time to give some attention to that aspect of the study center. The heat and humidity of summer in coastal Campania can be brutal and the study center sees increased activity during this exact period, when schools are out of session and we host our Symposium Cumanum. This year we are challenging ourselves to– finally – add air conditioning throughout the building, starting with the second floor. In addition we plan to replace all of the dilapidated bedroom furnishings, much of which is broken and all of which is antiquated. The number one complaint I receive, even from those who love the study center, is about comfort. It is challenging to appreciate the symposia papers or the wonderful sites in the area if you can’t sleep. These improvements will have a positive impact on everyone’s visit, especially the large number who use the center from May to September.
This is an ambitious goal, but one we feel is necessary and achievable with your help. Your generous gift now will be critical to the study center and to ensuring that the high school, university, and scholarly groups that use the Harry Wilks Study Center as their headquarters in Italy will have a positive and memorable experience. I am asking for your help to make this possible while maintaining the low cost for our academic visitors. Our aim is to keep the study center attractive, affordable, and accessible for all groups.
Donations can be made through the Donate button on our website. The Vergilian Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your financial support has an immediate and direct impact on all the vital work of the Society.
With sincere thanks for your support, which we value at any level,
John W. Wonder
Chair, Villa Management Committee
jwwonder at