We promote the study of Vergil by means of lectures, conferences, publications, tours, and reports of excavation that have a bearing upon Vergil's works.

Our History

The Vergilian Society was founded in 1937 with the following objectives: "In order . . . to celebrate the ties of culture between Italy and America, a Society has been formed in Italy and named after Vergil."

The purpose of this Society is to promote the study of Vergil by means of lectures, conferences, publications, and reports of excavation that have a bearing upon Vergil's works. Membership is open to any person who is interested in the study of Vergil.

Recent News

Keely Lake Memorial Translation Exam

November 16, 2023

Call for Papers for Society of Classical Studies 156th Annual Meeting

November 1, 2023

Click here for the full description: Call for Papers for Panel Sponsored by the Vergilian Society JANUARY 2-5, 2025PHILADELPHIA Topic: Re-evaluating Turnus Organized by Randall Ganiban, Department of Classics, Middlebury College


Call for Papers: Symposium Cumanum 2024

October 29, 2023

Virgil, the Virgilian Tradition, and the Question of Humour 25–29 June 2024, Villa Vergiliana, Italy Co-Directors: Celia Campbell (Emory University), Bobby Xinyue (King’s College London). Read the full description here.


Praise for Vergilian Society Programs