Symposium Cumanum 2017 ~ Call for Proposals

The Vergilian Society is soliciting proposals for the Twenty-Third Annual Symposium Cumanum, to take place at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma at the end of June, 2017.  We will consider a proposal on any theme pertaining to Virgil and his times, although preference may be given to a subject that has not been treated recently.  Descriptions of recent symposia can be found on the Vergilian Society website, at

Each proposal should be prepared by the person who is intending to direct the symposium, or by the lead person if co-directors are envisioned.  The successful director will have logistical assistance from the Vergilian Society’s Italian staff and from the executive committee; a set of guidelines is available to assist in planning.

Proposals should be 250-300 words in length, giving a brief rationale for the theme, some thoughts on what kinds of subjects are likely to be treated, and the names of several scholars who have worked on this theme and might be approached to participate.  As international meetings, our symposia attract participants from all over the world, but since the Vergilian Society is an Italian-American cultural association, we are especially interested in seeing solid participation from scholars in these two countries.

Proposals should be submitted electronically by December 15, 2015 to the president of the Vergilian Society, Richard Thomas, at